Cow Patti Theatre Sponsorship


Financial support from our sponsors is always a huge boost for Cow Patti, and we are so appreciative of all the businesses and individuals that have enabled Cow Patti to bring top-notch entertainment to the masses for 25 years. We do not receive government funding or grant support; we have always relied on the goodness of small businesses and individuals. So, whether your business can support us as a sponsor partner or by bringing your own business "herd" to the theatre, thank you for supporting Cow Patti!

The following is our breakdown of Sponsorship Levels and what your sponsorship dollars will give you in return. View our breakdown of sponsorship levels and what your sponsored dollars will give you in return. If you decide to sponsor in ways of product and or service, we can determine what level of sponsorship works best for you.

Sponsorship & Marketing Options

The following is our breakdown of Sponsorship Levels and what your sponsorship dollars will give you in return.
View our breakdown of sponsorship levels and what your sponsored dollars will give you in return.
If you decide to sponsor in ways of product and or service, we can determine what level of sponsorship works best for you.

HERD ($2500)

Maximum Exposure
(Jul 2024 - May 2025)

Exclusive radio spots entire season (Sept 2024 - Apr 2025) on 630 CHED, Real Country 95.5, & Sunny 94

Link to your
on website

Pre-show announcement
during entire season

Sponsor listing in Alberta wide distributed posters, season brochures, promo cards, audience programs, press releases, direct mailouts & email blasts

Tax receipt for
allowable portion

10 complimentary tickets
($900 value)

Opening night invitations

BULL ($1500)

Extensive Exposure
(Jul 2024 - May 2025)

Link to your
on website

Pre-show announcement
during entire season

Sponsor listing in Alberta wide distributed posters, season brochures, promo cards, audience programs, press releases, direct mailouts, and email blasts

Tax receipt for
allowable portion

6 complimentary tickets
($540 value)

Opening night invitations

HEIFER ($1000)

Substantial Exposure
(Jul 2024 - May 2025)

Link to your
on website

Pre-show announcement
during entire season

Sponsor listing in Alberta wide distributed season brochures, audience programs, and email blasts

Tax receipt for
allowable portion

4 complimentary tickets
($360 value)

Opening night invitations

CALF ($500)

Exposure for one show
(your choice) during season

Link to your
on website

Pre-show announcement
for sponsored show

Sponsor listing in
audience programs

Tax receipt for
allowable portion

2 complimentary tickets
($180 value)

Our "Herd" of Volunteers

We have an ever-growing “Herd” of talented and dedicated volunteers who work very hard to make your Cow Patti experience entertaining, safe and comfortable. We applaud their contribution to our theatre and community! Call the “Head Cow”, Anna Marie Lea, at 403.304.6329 if you would like to become a part of our Volunteer Herd.

Home Away From Home

The Cow Patti Theatre Company is always looking for short term billets for our out-of-town actors to participate in the finest Alberta Entertainment. Remuneration will be provided. If you have a place for some of our cast to “bed down,” please contact us​ with your information.

2022/2023 Comedy Dinner Theatre Sponsors

Without our wonderful sponsors we wouldn't be able to bring Lacombe the comedy dinner theatre it deserves. Located right between Edmonton and Calgary, Cow Patti plops themselves right in the center of the Alberta entertainment industry. If your looking for fun things to do in Alberta Cow Patti should be one of your first stops. You have these awesome partners of comedy dinner theatre to thank for that.


We are the entertainment choice of thousands, including your customers and potential customers. We are famous down many country roads, as well as in the big city lights, for quality professional entertainment, downhome hospitality and homestyle cooking! We're also known for our unique, creative, effective and extensive marketing that attracts one of the largest audiences in Central Alberta. That's why investing and earmarking dollars into the Cow Patti Theatre Company makes great advertising sense. We put you front and center to the audiences of thousands who see our shows and to the tens of thousands who see our marketing. Many of you have already been extraordinary sponsors with Cow Patti for many years and I thank you for your continued support. Contributing and supporting theatre in our community has helped us facilitate a local Professional Theatre Company which stimulates our local economy, supports small non-profit groups, and cultivates culture in our neck of the woods.