Credit Holder Information

Well 7 months into this Pandemic the theatre world is coming back to life and we at Cow Patti are thrilled to be remounting our production of Norm Foster’s, Lunenburg.
In regards to our patrons who took a credit from their initial reservations with Lunenburg March 12 -April 5 2020, first and foremost we appreciate you taking a credit because it really saved our bacon and it is because of you, in part, that we are able to reopen the gates to our 25th Season of Professional Dinner Theatre.

As you can see by the season brochure, we are approaching this Season within Reason differently due to guidelines and restrictions put forth by the Alberta Government. Some of these new guidelines will affect you when booking in your credit. The first, is the change in menus and pricing- there will be no buffets for the first show, Lunenburg. We will be offering individual plated entrees and there is one option of no food- our Cabaret Shows.

All price points for the different theatre options are $47.00, if you have a credit for 2 Dinner Theatre tickets worth $156.00 and dividing that amount at our new price of 47$ per ticket, that $156.00 credit would work out to 3 $47.00 tickets worth $141.00 with $15 Spare Change.

Or, if you have a Credit of 6 Brunch tickets with a value of $408.00 at the new price of $47 you will now have a credit of 8 $47.00 tickets with $32.00 to Spare Change.

Or, if you have a Credit of 4 Senior Brunch Tickets with a value of $220.00 at the new price of $47 you will now have a credit of 4 $47.00 tickets with $32.00 to Spare Change.

The only credits that we will approach differently than above is our Wing, Taco, and Irish Stew Credits. Those ticket prices were a reduced rate last season to entice sales. With where we are at this season and food costs being higher from the LGCC, our Happi Appi Shows are $47 opposed to the $38 dollar price last season. So any patron with a Wing, Taco or Irish Stew credit, we will honor transferring those credits over to a Happi Appi Show at no additional cost but if you chose to use those tickets for another show like Flapjack Sunday of Lunenburger Friday you will be required to pay the additional $9 per ticket.

So, what can you do with your Spare Change from your credit? You have 3 options
  1. You can apply it to our second show of our 2020/2021 Season.
  2. You can top it up for an additional ticket.
  3. You can gift it to Cow Patti or one of our we are having for our communities.

Secondly, with the new guidelines and restrictions on seating capacity’s by looking at the attached new floorplan we are allowed 80 persons per show with a maximum of 6 people per table. So, if you have a credit of 3 tickets, we are encouraging people to bring along another guest within your own Cohort to help us in using the space in the most effective way. If you have a credit of more than 6 people, we encourage you to still book in your group with several socially distanced tables.

Please note that Credits may not be used for our Benefit Shows.

We realize that booking in our Remount of Lunenburg with our patrons with credit will take some extra thought and time but we are so happy to be bringing… Homegrown “Safe” Hospitality, Downhome Humor and Homestyle Cooking… to all of you! A huge thank you to all of you for your patience and continued support of our theatre. It’s Time to Laugh Again!